During the Second World War of Messerschmitt developed the specialized heavy transport Me-323 plane. The car which has received the nickname "Giant" became biggest of being available for Luftwaffe. Was considered that any of 201 constructed copies so far didn't remain, but the Italian researchers reported about detection of one of them at the bottom of the sea about the coast of Sardinia.
As appears from archival documents, the plane went on July 26, 1943 from the German base on Sardinia to the city of Pistoyu in Tuscany. Soon after take-off it was lined with the British isrebitel and sank in close proximity to the archipelago La-Maddalena between Sardinia and Corsica.
The small group of the Italian enthusiasts led by the diver and amateur historian Christina Fregyeri within a year analyzed archives and asked the eyewitnesses who have lived up to now in search of an exact place of crash. As a result of the done work the success was reached – on depth well remained plane with all six motors was possible to find about 60 m.
"Giant" in length of 28,50 m, in height of 9,60 m and scope of a wing of 55,24 m could bear 11 tons of cargo on distance of 800 km with the maximum speed of 250 km/h that demanded a large number innovative the then development. The plane intended for transportation of staff and equipment, was adopted by Wehrmacht in 1943-44, however because of the sizes and slowness it appeared a good target for allied armies, and soon didn't remain any working copy.
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