The Dead Sea is located in the Jordan River valley on border with Jordan in the east both Israel and the West Bank in the West, approximately in 55 km to the southeast from Amman. Besides that this most salty lake in the world, it also the lowest point on Earth. To reach a surface and seashores, it is necessary to go down on 423 m below sea-level. At depth in 377 m it also the deepest salty lake in the world. Level of salinity of the Dead Sea is equal 33,7 % that in 8,6 times more, than in the ocean. 340 grams of salt are the share of water liter. Because of so large amount of salt marine organisms aren't found in the sea, such as fishes and plants, but there is a small number of bacteria and microbic fungi. Water in the Dead Sea so dense that in it it is impossible to drown. The most popular photo at tourists – to read the newspaper, lying on a back on a water surface.

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