More than 30 million people in Russia to some extent affected by hackers in the past 12 months, and the damage caused by hackers is estimated at about $ 2 billion.
These data are reported BBC News presented in the annual report of the company Symantec, entitled Norton Cybercrime Report 2012. This is one of the most influential research in crimes against Internet users in the world.
The study is based on an online survey, conducted from 16 to 30 July 2012 of 13,000 adult members worldwide. Participation in the study were residents of 24 countries, aged 18 to 64 years. In 2012, Russia was first presented in the report.
Norton Cybercrime Report shows that users of the Russian cyber attacks are more people in other countries. Over the last 12 months 74% of the computers in our country have been infected by viruses malware. It is the largest in the world. In second place - China with 66%, the report said.
Internet to belong to another "record" - in 43% of users are hacking accounts in social networks. Following Russia on this indicator are Brazil, Mexico, and China (22%). However, only 42% of domestic users regularly back up your data.
At the hands of cyber criminals in the past 12 months hit 556 million Internet users (18 victims per second). Symantec estimated the cumulative damage of 110 billion dollars, and the attack on one person - about $ 200 (in Russia - about two thousand).
With the increasing number of smartphone hackers started to focus on social networks and mobile devices. Thus, in comparison with 2011 Symantec documented a twofold increase in the threat of personal gadgets.
The authors also note that the majority of Internet users are taking basic steps to protect personal data and information to delete suspicious e-mails, are wary of disclosing their personal information online. However, users forget about other important precautions - for example, 40% create simple passwords and change them regularly.
In addition, many online users do not know how to change over the years, some of the most common forms of cyber crime. The paper highlights that 31% of users in the world received an anonymous SMS with the proposal to move to an unknown link, or type unknown number. Russia on this indicator was the leader - 71%.
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